How to get involved

How can I get involved? 

Partnership is one of our core values and we welcome proposal about inputs and contributions from our partners to help develop and strengthen the regional evidence base. If you have a piece of research, evaluation, or data that you think could add value to the site, we’d love to hear from you.  

It is important that the content on the Evidence Hub remains relevant for our audiences and adds value to our understanding of the regional economy.

In order to publish on the Hub, we have developed some guidance to aid this process, defined some themes which we are most interested in, and established a quality framework to ensure that what we publish meets key standards.  

Guidance for publication:  

  • Please be aware of our privacy notice and note that all information and publications on this site will be in the public domain. 
  • You will have appropriate permission to upload this document.  
  • The content that will be published will be appropriate for our audiences and have a clear evidence base, contributing to our understanding of the North East economy. 

Maintaining standards 

The site owners reserve the right to review and if necessary, decide to not publish content that doesn’t meet our quality standards.  

We want to ensure that any research or evaluation outputs are clearly articulated and understood to our audiences. Your methodology and research outputs are really important, and should clearly include:  

  • The purpose of your project – its aims and objectives, and the outputs that you want to achieve 
  • Your approach - the steps that have been identified and followed to help you reach your output. This should be articulated in such a way that someone could repeat or add to this work 
  • Conclusions – does the research outcome support what you were trying to achieve? Have you answered your research questions?   

The final output is also important to us. We want our audiences to engage with it.  We are happy to have a conversation about how we might be able to support you with this activity if this would be valuable. 

If you feel like your work meets this criteria, please send us your details: